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Your MPII™ self-assessment
Your Readiness Level
1 – Business factors
1.1 - Various avenues for diversification have been explored
1.2 - The reasons for developing an export market are clearly defined and understood.
1.3 - The motivations to partner are clear
1.4 - Management Interest for export. Leaders endorse the approach and encourage the international strategic development
1.5 - The socio-cultural perspective and different social organizations were evaluated by decision makers including language barriers.
1.6 - Our product adaptability to a foreign market is adequate
1.7 - Technical standards used abroad were revised and our products are tailored to the targeted country standards
2 – Resources for exportation
2.1 - Responsibility and reporting structures for both domestic and export market management has been clearly defined.
2.2 - Working capital investments in new development, promotion and market development activities is provided for.
2.3 - Those responsible for export development are knowledgeable, well prepared and interested in these markets.
2.4 - Patent protection and know-how to manufacture
2.5 - The availability of both domestic and foreign government support has been investigated
3 – International development strategy
3.1 - All factors that will justify the ROI and budget allocated have been assessed against the stated objectives.
3.2 - The exploitation of a specific geographical area has been considered to reduce costs, legal requirements, labour issues, transportation challenges, etc.
3.3 - A collaboration between export team and the marketing team allow us to geographically segment the niche markets
3.4 - The Export Plan is aligned with established budget and operational objectives and is endorsed senior corporate executives
3.5 - We know why the target area will be interested in your product
4 – Targeted niche marketing strategy
4.1 - We have a good knowledge of the applicable standards in the new target markets
4.2 - Validation by market and target segment is made by the marketing team
4.3 - We targeted a geographical area for the development of customers in order to optimize the relations with partners.
4.4 - Our pricing is adapted to various currency market
4.5 - The competitive positioning and the value proposition are prepared in consideration with the country concerned and the specific needs of each market segment
4.6 - Export directors and staff know the different practices and the input mode on each target market (agent, distributor, joint venture, etc.)
4.7 - The Export communications strategy provides support and the means of communication, attendance at fairs and exhibitions.
4.8 - Local subcontracting mode is assuring after-sales services